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Pocket Pool

Some rules of Pocket Pool

Pocket Pool is one of the most amusing pool games with unique mechanics. In the game, your mission is to pocket all your balls and complete the match.

Break Shot

You will take a break shot by striking the cue ball from behind the headstring. The goal is to scatter the balls and pocket one or more of them. This shot is very important. It will be one of the factors that affect your chances of winning.

Choose the balls

The game is typically played with the rule that each player is assigned either the solid-colored balls with numbers 1 to 7 or the striped balls with numbers 9 to 15. If you pocket a ball legally on the break shot successfully, you can choose your desired group of balls with stripes.

Shoot legally

To make a legal shot, the cue ball must first strike a ball in the shooter's group. In addition, after the initial touch, the cue ball must either pocket a ball or cause at least one ball to hit a rail or both.

Foul Shots

If you cause the cue ball to fall into your pocket, you will commit a foul. The cue ball will be placed anywhere indicated by the computer. This will cause a lot of difficulties for you. You probably won't be able to hit the right shots.

Some advantages of the game

Skill Development

The game can help players develop essential skills such as aiming, cue ball control, and strategic shot selection. The smaller table size can also require more precise shots, enhancing accuracy and improving overall pool-playing abilities. You also can play other Pool games in Online Games.


There are several ways to play this game, such as solo games or group competitions. This adaptability supports various gameplay scenarios as well as various group sizes and dynamics. You should not ignore it if you want to win and show your talent.

Some best ways to win Pocket Pool

Practice and familiarize yourself

Spend time practicing your shots, aiming, and cue ball control. Familiarize yourself with different shot techniques, then you can play better. The more you practice, the better you'll become at executing shots accurately.

Strategic Ball Placement

Plan your shots strategically to set yourself up for future shots. Try to position the cue ball in a favorable position after each shot, so you have an easier time pocketing the next ball. Consider the angles and potential ball clusters on the table to plan your shots effectively.